[VIDEO] What is the Neutrino stablecoin and how does it work?
[VIDEO] How to create a smart contract on Waves Platform: Smart Account
Want to know how to create a smart contract? In this second video we’ll show you how you to setup a smart account on Waves Platform. Thanks a lot Woutje from Bearwaves for supplying the code used in this example.
Script code
#Smart account script which enables transactions when
#the blockchain reaches a certain height
let UnblockHeight = 588775;
match (tx) {
case e:TransferTransaction =>
if(height < UnblockHeight)
#Not allowed to send
#Allowed to send
#All other tx types not allowed
case _ => false
[VIDEO] How to create and use an alias on Waves Platform
We created another ‘how-to’ video on a small but nice feature of Waves Platform. This video shows how to create and use an alias, a cool but little known feature of Waves.
[VIDEO] How to create a smart contract on Waves Platform: Smart Assets
Want to know how to create a smart contract? In this video we’ll show you how you can perform the first part of creating a smart contract (on the Waves Platform): creating a smart asset. Thanks a lot Woutje from Bearwaves for supplying the code used in this example.
Script code
#A Smart Asset which checks for a data transaction to enable or disable token burning
#If EnableBurn is set to true burning of the token is allowed. Else it is not.
#Address defined for data transaction:
let AddressWithData = Address(base58'3P9joJaAYxoTR1oWr38bNrQSrnpqAZVzbm6')
let EnableBurn = extract(getBoolean(AddressWithData, "EnableBurn"))
if (EnableBurn) then
match (tx) {
case _ => true
match (tx) {
case b:BurnTransaction => false
case _ => true
Data transaction code
#A data transaction lets you send data to an account
"type": 12,
"version": 1,
"fee": 100000,
"data": [
"type": "boolean",
"key": "EnableBurn",
"value": true
[VIDEO] Waves Keeper: Metamask for Waves Platform
Waves Keeper is Meta Mask, but for the Waves Platform. It is a browser extension that allows you to interact with Waves-enabled web services and apps in a seamless fashion. Waves Keeper manages your private keys in a secure manner so you can easily use Waves.
We show you how to register and connect your current Waves-account to Waves Keeper.